Typing Lessons 1 | Easy

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Important: Do not move on to the next lesson until you can type with 0% errors. Accuracy is crucial for beginners, even more than speed.

In this lesson, you’ll practice typing the home row keys (ASDF JKL;) while focusing on identifying and correcting errors. Build muscle memory to improve your typing accuracy and speed.

Lesson 1 asdf jkl;

The Home Row

The home row keys are the keys where your fingers rest when not typing. Your fingers should naturally be positioned on these keys, with your index fingers on F and J.

F and J are the most essential keys in touch typing, which is why they have bumps to help users easily find their correct finger placement on the keyboard.

Home Row and Hands
Home Row and Hands

Once you identify the F and J keys from the home row, you’ll be able to recognize the entire keyboard layout after completing our free course.

The Right – Left Hand

Lesson 1 asdf jkl;

On a QWERTY keyboard, the left-hand home row keys are A, S, D, F, and the right-hand home row keys are J, K, L, ;

  • Place your left hand so that your index finger is on F, your middle finger on D, your ring finger on S, and your pinky on A. Your left thumb should rest on the Spacebar.
  • For your right hand, place your index finger on J, your middle finger on K, your ring finger on L, and your pinky on ; (semicolon). Let your right thumb rest comfortably on the Spacebar.

Touch typing develops muscle memory through repeated practice, making your movements more natural for faster and easier typing.

Typing Practice - Free Typing Learning Lesson (3x Speed)