Typing Lessons 14 | Medium

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💡 Simply press the Enter (↵) key to start a new typing practice.

Important: Do not move on to the next lesson until you can type with 0% errors. Accuracy is crucial for beginners, even more than speed.

In this lesson, we’ll practice typing the Shift key with both the left and right hands, and continue practicing the top row keys (Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P), as well as the home row keys (A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L;) and more.

Lesson 14 asdf jkl; shift

The Right – Left Hand

Press the Shift key with your little finger.

To type a capital letter, first press and hold the Shift key with one hand, then press the corresponding letter with the appropriate finger of the other hand.

After typing the letter, release the Shift key.

Avoid pressing the Shift key and the letter key with fingers from the same hand.

Before typing the letter, decide which hand will be used for the letter. Use the opposite hand to press the Shift key, then type the letter with the other hand.

It may feel challenging at first, but with practice, you’ll improve your speed in this unit.

For instance:

  • To type G, start by pressing and holding the right Shift key with your right little finger.
  • Then, press the G key with your left index finger and release the Shift key.
  • Once done, return both fingers to the home row position immediately.
Lesson 14 asdf jkl; shift 1

Touch typing develops muscle memory through repeated practice, making your movements more natural for faster and easier typing.

Typing Practice - Free Typing Learning Lesson (3x Speed)